Monday, June 4, 2007

Perry Samurai

Here are a few quick pictures of some Perry Samurai that I have been working on.

The dress thing on the second Samurai was painted with P3 paints. This was my first try using these paints, and I really liked them! The red is very rich, but not to fantasy looking...

I had a bit of trouble at first painting Japanese flesh, but I think I got it sorted out in the end. As a base for the skin I used a 50:50 mix of Vallejo Cavalry Brown and Vallejo German Camo Med Brown. Them, I used GW Vomit Brown. I then used a 50:50 mix of Vomit Brown and Foundry Flesh 5C to highlight. I think it turned out rather well in the end!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovly painted figers. Like the faces especially. You just need to add some little pattern's to the clothes as most paintings i've seen they seem to be covered in flowers and star pattern's