Thursday, March 8, 2007

Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth

Here are some pics of my newly painted Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. Usually, you are not supposed to mix warm (red) and cold (blue) colours on the same model -but I tried it on Imrahil. Personally, I like the mix and think it worked out rather well. GW reds are really brilliant! At the moment, I am using GW and Wal-Mart acrylics exclusively, but I have ordered the Napoleonic starter set from Foundry to give their paints a try. Also, this model was the first one on which I used Sascha Herm's technique for painting faces (as demonstrated in his DVD). I think his method worked out rather well! It is the first face that I am truly pleased with.

Now, to get a better camera... Mine doesn't have a macro function so I can't show you all the fine details...

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